***Sorry for those of you who couldn't see the post before. It posted it on accident when I wanted to save it because I wasn't quite done with it. For some reason it was still showing up!***
With God's grace I've made it through another month and into my second trimester! I am very excited, as the first three months are always a time of wondering if you will miscarry. I know that there are always possibilities of something happening, but it's nice that those first three months are over with! The first trimester is the worst, in my opinion. The nauseous feeling, tiredness, just yuck all the time. I'm happy to have so much more energy now (for the past 2 weeks or so) and not feeling nearly as sick. I've gained only one pound, thankfully, because I am prepared for the pounds to come packing on right about now! With Brooke I gained the most in the second trimester. I am not looking forward to gaining all that weight again and hoping that it's less than my last pregnancy (40 whopping pounds). Exercising 45 minutes/ 3-4 times a week and eating very healthy is how I hope to keep that number down a little bit this time. Although I tried that last time, the exercising was only 20 minutes a day, not nearly as intense and I didn't always eat the best. Some people gain that much no matter what they do, so that might just be what my body does. We shall see! I definitely see a difference in my belly this month...how about you?
Yup I can definitely tell you're gettin a little poocher belly!! You'll be so cute at my wedding! So excited you're in your 2nd trimester!
Um, I actually can't really tell..You still look SOO good!
I am getting SOO excited!
I am so glad that everything is going good!!!!I can not wait!!!!!!:)I can't wait to see you too.
You look very good for being only three months pregnant!
looking good!
Well my belly looks the same as it always has... but I don't think thats what you meant haha. Yeah I can see a little difference!! So cute though. Glad you are feeling better now and everything!! :)
I can definitely see a little difference!! I love your shirt. :-) I am so glad you are feeling better now. You are so faithful with your exercises and healthy food! Good Job! I have good intentions...but I don't always do so good.
You look good! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks in your beautiful dress!!!
Yes...for sure! You are starting to pop out a little. So cute though! I can't wait to see you next month cause you will have a little belly for the wedding. You'll look so cute!
Your showing a little!! so excited! I can't wait for another neice or nephew!!
Definitely a change girl! Woo Hoo! It is good to gain the weight...shows that you and the baby are healthy. Now, I didn't gain, but was bigger to begin with so I had...umm...reserves?!? Anyway, you are looking good. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged! You're going to have a beautiful baby!
awww! yay month three :)And yeah I can see a lit' tummy, although you still aren't showing much. ya'll gonna find out what the baby is???
Oh yeah. I see more baby now. How exciting!
Yup, you're showing a little now ;) Awww...when I come to Texas to visit Amy, I'll get to meet Brooke and baby #2 (Lord willing)! Can't wait ;)
Yup you are lookin' very cute! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! <3
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