For my birthday, Claire got me this page a day calender that is titled "sisters". I love the sayings in it and have put one on my fridge that says
"I could never love anyone as I love my sisters." It's so true. The other people I love (mainly, my husband and daughter) are loved by me with a just-as-special love, just a different love. It's a love just as true, pure and strong, just in a different way.
This post is dedicated to my sisters, and to all of you who are and have sisters that know exactly what I am talking about! These are some of the favorite sayings off the calender that I have loved so far.
I love you Claire, Anna, Deb, Mary, Julia, Lydia and Nicolea!
"My Sisters have taught me how to live."
"The sister bond if often greater than that with a friend..."
"I recognize how crucial my relationship with my sisters is in the definition of myself."
"You keep your past by having sisters. As you get older, they are the only ones who don't get bored if you talk about your memories."
"There isn't an outsider anywhere who wouldn't appreciate and envy the tremendous advantage that sisters have, if properly utilized, against all odds."
"When we fought...we knew the most tender nerve to strike. But when we decided to cooperate, we became a force to reckon with."
I think my head is in the bottom picture C:
Aww I am so touched. I am so glad that we've always been so close...I don't even understand sisters that aren't!!!!! I love th quotes...I didn't read all of them before I gave it to you.
Yeah Lauren that is your head :) haha.
Awwww, so cute. I LOVE and appreciate all of you too! Can't wait to see you Jen in 3 1/2 weeks!
That is so cute Jen! Can't wait to see you
Aren't you so glad for sisters???? I love mine SOOOO much. i just love the things we do...
very sweet... very true
Your such a nice sister! This post looks like something Amy would do!:)-Ju
That was a very cute blog. Ohhh this is Mechel (maybe Claire's future sister in law :) Well she sent me this link so I wanted to check it out. I love the layout and it was very cute. You all are very blessed!!!!
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